Do you feel like your past abortion has made you more afraid? Do you notice that you experience more anxiety than you used to, especially when it comes to certain situations? You are not alone. Fear is a very real and heavy emotion that many women face after an abortion. With 1 in 4 women […]
Have you heard someone say, “God planned for me to have an abortion so I could save others?” I think this is a belief that some of us want to have, but there are some concerns associated with this type of thinking. It’s hard though, because we know that God knows everything – so if […]
Have you been considering sharing your abortion testimony? Has God placed it on your heart to go and tell? Have you had a desire to help out in the pro-life movement, but feel alone and terrified at the thought of having to share all of the messy parts of your story? More than once this […]
Life is a series of choices, isn’t it? We could dive down a deep rabbit hole thinking about all of these past choices we have made and what would have happened if we had done something different. From things that are less serious, to our abortion decision, there is a huge spectrum of circumstances that […]
How has it been two years since we started the show?! Sometimes it feels like just yesterday; other times it feels like I’ve always been doing this. I am so grateful for the time we’ve had together over the last two years, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us! I […]