Are you ready to put

your past behind you?

I help Christian women partner with God so they can heal
their hearts from
past abortion(s).

Show me how

Hey, I'm Brittany Poppe

Pro-Life Speaker
& Abortion
Recovery Coach

Saved by Grace Through Faith

I know how it feels to walk alone, wrestling with shame and guilt following an abortion.

Step 03

Work with me 1:1

Together we will go through the Abortion Recovery Framework where you will uncover where you need healing and how to move forward! 

Step 01

Listen to The "Does God forgive abortion?" Podcast

Learn how to partner with God so that you can heal your heart from the past decision of abortion. 

Step 02

Join the Private Facebook Community

Connect with other women healing from the past decision of abortion in our private Facebook community!

But I’m here to tell you that you are not alone.

It's time to partner with God so you can heal your heart and live the abundant life that God desires for you. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
the new creation has come:
The old has gone,
the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17

The Go-To Podcast
for Christian
Women Healing
From The Past
of Abortion

Are you struggling with the pain of a past abortion, and feeling isolated and alone? Do you struggle with depression and mental health issues, desperate to feel whole again but therapy isn’t helping? Do you feel violated, exposed, and raw when you remember your abortion experience? Does the thought of others finding out your deepest, darkest secret absolutely terrify you?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are in the right place. This podcast will help you find wholeness, peace, and forgiveness in Christ, will guide you to feeling safe at church and in your community, and will equip you to help other women that are struggling with the same pain that you feel.

Listen Now!


Top 5 most binge-worthy episodes!



My Story and how God led me to start the "does god forgive abortion?" podcast!


Healing After Abortion Series: What is Post Abortion Stress Syndrome?


How This One Daily Practice Helped Lead Me Towards Healing
After Abortion


My Story, His Glory: How God Is Using My Abortion Story For His Kingdom With Melissa Manion

 Redemption and Hope After Abortion: Interview with Logan Davila

If you are ready to finally feel whole again, to find that peace and forgiveness you so desperately desire, and to stop feeling alone knowing there’s a community of women supporting you every step of the way, then pull up a seat at our table.

Go pour yourself that cup of coffee and crack open your Bible because friend, it is time to receive the good, good news!

Featured on:

Click the cover to listen to each episode

Click the cover to listen to
each episode

I’m Brittany, a wife, work from home mom, and daughter of a king, and you wouldn’t know it just by looking at me, but I too walked through the doors of an abortion facility and ended the life of my unborn child.

For over 10 years I tried to hide the pain I carried with me as a result of a choice I made when I was 17 years old.

It wasn’t until God met me during one of the lowest points in my life that I realized that He truly had never left me and that he was calling me home.

If you are ready to finally feel whole again, to find that peace and forgiveness you so desperately desire, and to stop feeling alone knowing there’s a community of women supporting you every step of the way, then you are in the right place. 

Looking forward to walking beside you! 

hey friends!


You have made one more person feel less alone and strong enough to battle the ache. Thank you! 


Thank you for so sweetly reaching into the hearts and minds of all who want to understand. Women deserve to be whole!


I found Brittany at the lowest point in my life. I have found healing & a drive to have a closer relationship with Jesus!


Connect your heart with God and a community of women who are going through the same journey you’re on.

Start listening to the podcast so you can partner with God to heal your heart from the past decision of abortion. 

Join our private Facebook community of other women healing from the past decision of abortion. 

We will go through the Abortion Recovery Framework so you can learn move forward in the healing God has for you! 

Step 3; Work 1:1

Step 1: The Podcast

Step 2: The community




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Thank you for your support! 