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*The Go-To Podcast For Women Seeking Redemption From A Past Abortion*

*Top 2.5% Global Podcast*

Are you struggling with the pain of a past abortion, and feeling isolated and alone?

If you answered yes, then you are in the right place.

This podcast will help you find wholeness, peace, and forgiveness in Christ, will guide you to feeling safe at church and in your community, and will equip you to help other women that are struggling with the same pain that you feel.




I live up in North Dakota with my husband and two littles. I stay home with the kids during the day and am a podcaster by night. I spend much of my time on ministry work in the pro-life movement, more specifically in post-abortion recovery.

Jesus saved me at a time that I so desperately needed hope, and my life’s work is to help other women like me find true hope and healing through him. 

For years I tried to hide the pain I carried with me as a result of choosing to have an abortion when I was 17 years old. That choice led me down a path of destruction. I built a brick wall between myself and God and refused to believe it could ever be knocked down. 

Thankfully I found hope, and God has now called me to share it with you. No matter what you have done in your past, God has a plan and a purpose for you. 

Your story isn't over. 

I’m your host, Brittany Poppe

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hey friend!

"Grateful for Brittany talking about the hurt many women experience with this journey.
It's needed!"

- JR -

Find Hope & Healing! 

Such a necessary, uplifting podcast to help women heal and reclaim God's best for their lives. 

- MD -

Hope and Healing through JESUS! Thank you for sharing your pain and how the LORD has healed you from your past.
We give all the glory to our Creator!

- CS -

I just listened to Brittany and have to say she is genuinely authentic in her personal testimony and her wish to have that help others heal that have gone through the same situation. She is a true asset to anyone traveling this particularly tough road.

- TE -

the hope offered through salvation is not withheld from the women wounded by the pain and shame of having had an abortion. There is redemption and hope through Christ Jesus, and if you need to know that and hear that, this podcast is for you!!

- KM -

Brittany is so courageous to bring such a valuable and vulnerable podcast to the world. I love how she loves on women and offers helpful steps.

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