About Brittany

and her journey

and the journey continues...

After I found healing and wholeness in Christ, I felt God calling me into this mission field to pull other women out of their self-made prisons of shame and guilt. I clearly heard God tell me to "start a podcast." So, I did. The podcast launched on 2/1/23 and God truly took what the enemy meant for evil and made it good.


A couple of years later, I had just given birth to my second child and I just knew that I couldn't live with the shame and the guilt any longer. I needed to be healthy for my family. A friend of mine got me plugged in to a post abortion Bible study, and I truly got to know God for the first time in my life.  


Fast forward a few years, I gave birth to my daughter. I suffered a postpartum hemorrhage after she was born and felt so much guilt. I thought God was punishing me and that my ultimate punishment should be death. I lived in a dark state of depression for many months.


In my senior year of high school, I was leading a double life. Amidst all of the lies I had been telling, I eventually found myself in an unplanned pregnancy. Determined to keep this part of my life secret, I chose to have an abortion. My life continued to spiral out of control for years after this.


I don't believe it's an accident that you have come across my page. For months - and quite honestly, even years - before I found my healing, God gave me breadcrumbs and signs and people that were nudging me in His direction. He is ever so patient, and ever so compassionate in our pain.

If you are struggling at all with pain and grief from the past decision of abortion, there absolutely is hope for you. This hope can't be found in what the world has to offer. It can't be found in food, alcohol, trashy TV, hustling, or anything in between. It can only be found in Jesus Christ. 

God sent His one and only Son so that you and I may live a full and abundant life. God gave His son so that all of us who believe in Him may be forgiven through repentance. The easy thing, is that we only need to accept it and lay down our sin. 

The hard part of that, is sitting face to face with our sin. It's painful to think about the past, and it can feel embarrassing and traumatizing to relive that time in our lives. It can be so tempting to do it alone. 

I want you to know that you are not alone, and there are millions of women out there just like you. God loves you, just as He loves all of us. 

If you are ready to be set free once and for all, you are in the right place. 

hey friends!

Praying for you,

Join the community now!

God didn't create us to do life alone. 

Your sin doesn't disqualify you from connecting with other Christian women. We have a community full of women that are working towards healing from the past decision of abortion and we would love to invite you to a seat at our table.

JOIN here!

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Your financial contributions help us continue to keep up with operating costs so that we can focus on helping the women that God sends our way.

Thank you for your support! 