Spiritual Warfare, demons, and witchcraft are real.
Evil prowls among us.
I don’t mean to sound dramatic or spooky, but it’s true. We are fighting against real evil every single day.
Satan loves abortion because it keeps us in bondage. He is the master manipulator and will twist scripture to lie to us and keep us bound by chains of shame and guilt. I want you to know exactly how to fight back when this happens.
I’m praying that this blog post helps you feel more equipped to fight back against the lies and spiritual warfare you may be facing on your healing journey!

We just got done with a holiday that tends to be contentious in Christian culture. Seriously, around during that last week of October, the only posts I see on social media have captions such as: “Should Christians celebrate Halloween?”
For the record, my kids did go trick or treating this year. This isn’t a blog post about whether or not you should have, and I don’t seek to make anyone feel bad about their choices on this subject.
However, over the last couple of years, it’s been more and more evident to me that evil truly exists in disguise of what we think as fun.
Let me explain: Halloween was my favorite holiday growing up. My parents let my brother and I dress up in fun costumes – we weren’t allowed to dress scary – and we could go trick or treating. I lived in a small town for the first 10 years of my life, so my parents knew everybody that gave us candy for the most part so there wasn’t fear there. We also used to go shopping for our costumes in the Halloween stores and it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Now, however, I do not bring my kids to the Halloween stores. The reason is that two years ago, we were walking around in one with the kids, and all of a sudden we saw Ouija boards, pentagrams, and a ton of super occultic decorations around us. My husband and I both felt extremely unsettled. We firmly believe that those things hold a certain evil and using those things or having those symbols in your home invite that evil in. If you don’t believe or agree with that, you have the freedom to do so, but it’s a certain conviction that he and I both have.
Then, this year, I saw a mom friend of mine post on her Instagram about when she went to the Halloween store and the unsettling decor she saw – some of the decor was *trigger warning* dead/zombified babies. That is super unsettling, evil, and devastating to me, especially being that I am in the pro-life and post-abortion mission field. Satan celebrates those things, why would we even want to decorate our homes with that? So dark.
Anyway, I really don’t want this blog post to turn into a Halloween post, especially since we’re passed Halloween anyway, but I wanted to share that because I do think that the evil is slowly getting more and more prevalent each passing year. Something that used to be innocent fun is turning more and more occultic.
Satan’s tactics have not changed. Satan hasn’t gone away. Satan is continuously on the prowl, looking for ways to destroy us.
One of the ways he tries to destroy women like you and me is to feed us lies. He’ll twist scripture, or target our weaknesses. You’ve heard me talk about post-abortion stress syndrome and some of the signs and symptoms associated with that. Satan is no stranger to those things. He can see how you’re struggling and he is going to do his best to amplify that guilt and shame you’re feeling by feeding you lies based on what you are struggling with day to day.

I want to tell you one more quick story about this before I give you some tools to fight back. Recently, my church did baptisms during Sunday service. It took me back to my baptism in 2017. I had chosen to go through believer baptism because I truly wanted to dedicate my life back to Jesus, but I did not tell my church about my abortion and I had not healed from it yet.
Prior to my baptism, we were required to attend something called “faith night” which was basically a baptism class, and we were broken off into smaller groups of people with a leader. I wanted to tell that leader so badly about my abortion, but I was terrified that I would be told to leave if I did.
I ended up keeping it a secret.
The day of my baptism was a beautiful day. The Vikings and the Packers were playing (and I’m pretty sure the Vikings won, so even better). I remember being so excited for my upcoming baptism. But, there was this dark cloud that was following me closely that entire day, reminding me that the pastor did not know my whole story. Would he really baptize me if he knew about my abortion?
After I came out of the baptismal pool, I remember feeling so excited and then quickly worried. I started wondering, did this mean what it needed to mean? Did it count? Now that is a ridiculous thought because baptism isn’t about whether it “counts” or not. I just remember so clearly satan clouding that beautiful moment with complete and total lies.
So, how do we fight back? How do we respond to the lies of the enemy when we are healing after abortion? How do we battle against the “you’ll never heal,” “God will never forgive you,” and “Abortion is too big and too bad” falsehoods that satan throws at us?
I’m going to share those 3 lies again and am going to give you a truth for each one. We fight back with truth. We fight back with God’s word. We know who is on the thrown and it is not that measly little pest that tries to derail every single good thing we are moving towards.
Satan is no match for Jesus.
Lie #1: “You’ll never heal.”
TRUTH: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” Psalm 147:3
“By his stripes we are healed” Isaiah 53:5
“By His wounds you have been healed” 1 Peter 2:24
“The Lord sent His word to heal us and deliver us from our destructions”. Psalm 107:20
Lie #2: God will never forgive you
TRUTH: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, Ephesians 1:7
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14
Lie #3: Abortion is too big and too bad
TRUTH: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23
Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Matthew 12:31
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. James 1:26
When satan tries to lie to you and keep you stuck, fight back with the truth. Declare that Jesus is the Lord of your life. Remembering these Biblical truths is powerful, and uttering Jesus’ name is even more powerful.
When you are facing spiritual warfare on your healing journey, the best thing to do is fight back with truth. I pray that these truths will equip you as you continue on the healing path that God has for you!
XO, Brittany
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