One of the most common things I hear from clients is this: “I feel alone. I want a community of women to go to, but I don’t know where to find them.” Sometimes, God might be nudging you to go first. If you’ve been feeling the call to start a post-abortion support group, but you have no idea where to start or how to say “yes,” then this post is for you!
Before I found healing: I wanted community with other women who understood what I had gone through, but I didn’t know where to find it. In my mind, nobody was like me. Nobody else could possibly know what I had gone through. I would never be able to find other women who had chosen abortion and regretted it.
We hear the statistic that 1 in 4 women will have chosen abortion at least once by the age of 45, and we realize that’s a large number of women. Yet, simultaneously, it feels like we are the only ones struggling and dealing with this guilt. We really do just feel so alone.
One thing that I’ve found over the last two years of sharing my story and helping others heal, is that I find it so much easier to make friends with other women who have had abortions. I know that may be a weird thing to say, but it’s true. I don’t know exactly why that is, but I would venture to guess it’s because I can let my guard down. After all, they already know my darkest secret. I don’t have to fear judgment, because they’ve gone through the same thing. Honestly, now that I speak publicly, I have an easier time talking to others in general because I don’t have anything to hide.
I remember when I felt God nudging me to share my story. It was scary, and I resisted for a long time. I started feeling His nudge even before I sought out healing, which made it even more terrifying. Thankfully, when it was finally time for me to start my healing journey, I had a friend to reach out to that I knew would understand.
After I finished my healing, I knew that I needed to be obedient to God’s call, and I had this deep desire to help others find the same freedom that I had found. I reached out to my church to ask if I could be a resource for them, and the serving & outreach director met me for coffee. I remember she was excited that I had reached out to her, and she said to me, “Sometimes, others get the courage to get the help they need when someone goes FIRST.”
So, maybe you’ve been feeling God nudging you to start a community for women who have had abortions. Maybe you’re feeling led to help others find freedom in Christ. If that’s you, and you need that extra encouragement to take that first step, then read along for some tips on how to get started!
4 Tips for Starting a Post-Abortion Support Group for Christian Women
- Pray
Prayer is absolutely essential when it comes to ministry, and honestly, life. Set aside time every single day (if you haven’t already) to pray and ask God to lead you. Ask Him to help you know where to start, how to find the women who need you, and how to execute all that needs to be done to keep your community going. If God has called you to it, He is going to equip you to get through it! - Consider starting the group with a friend
Having accountability is such a good way to ensure a project is going to be successful! Do you have a friend who has also had an abortion and would want to help with the group? This would be so encouraging for those that you end up finding to join you. You could also find a Christian friend who is pro-life kind, compassionate, and understanding. Sometimes, having a friend like that can help the others in your group see the perfect example of how the church and other Christians should respond to women who have had abortions – in love. - Understand that it may take time
Don’t give up! Remember how hard it was for you to seek out healing? Remember how hard it was for you to share this secret with someone for the first time? That is where these women are at right now. You might hold an event and not have any participants. You might all of a sudden not hear from a person that you had been gradually talking with and building up. Please don’t take that personally, and don’t take it as a sign that you should give up. Continue to pray for the women that God is going to send you and rest assured that consistency is going to be helpful for the women that are just too afraid to say yes yet. They will know you are there and will come when they are ready. - Reach out to resources (pregnancy centers, churches) for help
There are many resources that you can go to for help when working to start your post-abortion support group. Churches love to help with this kind of thing. You could go to them and ask for help with advertising, or for a place to meet. Oftentimes, they will be excited to help you in this endeavor. Pregnancy centers also love to help and may have additional resources to give you for your group. They may also want to partner alongside you to help the women in your community. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them!
I pray these tips have been helpful to you as you discern where God is calling you in this mission field! Trust me, it is far from saturated and is such a needed ministry. Having a group in your area is going to be a Godsend for the women currently feeling isolated and alone.
If you’re reading this, and you want a community with other women who have had abortions, I would love to invite you to join our free Facebook community! This is the perfect place to come for encouragement, especially if you’re afraid to go somewhere in person just yet. Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion/
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the woman reading this today. I pray that you will lead her and guide her along on this calling you have placed on her heart. I pray that you will provide the resources she needs to get her group started so that she can begin helping other women who are suffering from the pain of choosing abortion. I pray for continued healing for her heart, and for peace in her future. Thank you for your goodness and your faithfulness. In Jesus name, amen.
Praying God’s peace and protection for you!
XO, Brittany
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