How has it been two years since we started the show?! Sometimes it feels like just yesterday; other times it feels like I’ve always been doing this. I am so grateful for the time we’ve had together over the last two years, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!
I thought it would be fun to do a little reflecting on the last two years – what the journey has looked like and maybe even some lessons I’ve learned. I hope you’ll read on and enjoy this with me!

Two years ago at this time, I had finally done it – I’d launched the podcast. I had delayed the launch date multiple times because I let imposter syndrome get in the way and allowed fear to creep in. I had thoughts like, “What if nobody listens?” and “What if people judge me for going more public with my story?” and even “What if it’s a total flop?” Thankfully, God has blessed the podcast in so many ways and I am so incredibly grateful!
In the last two years, we have gone from 0 to over 17,000 plays, have grown to a top 2% globally ranked podcast, and have been listened to in 18+ countries. Since I started guesting on other shows about 6 months ago, I’ve been able to guest on 15 podcasts and counting (even some pretty big shows like Confessions of a Crappy Christian – now called The Speakeasy). Since we launched our 1:1 and group coaching opportunities less than a year ago, we’ve had the opportunity to help 22 women start their post-abortion healing journeys. These women have come from not just the United States, but from 3 other countries in addition to the US. How cool is that?!
I am so incredibly thankful for all of the fruit that God has brought from this ministry. Some on the outside may look at that and say, “WOW that’s amazing,” and others may look at it and say, “That’s it? Shouldn’t you have more to celebrate by now?” But I look at it and see God’s hand in every single thing. I never started the podcast to get a bunch of download numbers or accolades. I started the podcast simply because God laid it on my heart to start it. God had led me to start sharing my story of redemption, of how He saved me from the pit of despair and exchanged my ashes for beauty, and a podcast was the perfect avenue. I am so grateful it’s found its way into the ears of so many women, and my prayer every day is that the show does exactly what God wants it to do. I pray that it helps you understand that Jesus came for you, too, and that He loves you so much.
I truly believe 2025 is going to be an even more amazing year in ministry, as God has laid some big things on my heart for this year. I hope you’ll stick around and ride that wave with me, to see what God is going to do in this mission field!

So, along with all of those amazing things, I’ve definitely learned some things along the way. That’s what life is, right? A bunch of lessons? We make mistakes, and we learn from them, right? I thought it would be fun to share 3 things I’ve learned over the last two years of podcasting to inspire you as you may be contemplating sharing your own story! I know not all of you are ready for that, and maybe you won’t be ready for that in the same capacity as this, but I pray that God leads you where you need to go.
3 Things I’ve Learned in 2 Years of Podcasting
Quality over Quantity
When I first started the show, I was doing 3 episodes per week. I can’t believe I kept up with that as long as I did because it was a LOT. I would sometimes record the episode the night before it would be published. That probably happened more often than not to be honest. Listening back, I think you can even kind of tell. Some of them could maybe have used some extra work.
Now, I do one episode per week so that I can convert most episodes into a blog post, and so I can market the episode a bit better with content on social media and Pinterest. I’ve actually noticed more growth in doing this (some women who have sought out 1:1 healing with me have found me through Pinterest, which is pretty cool). So, let this be a lesson to you: you don’t have to do ALL the things or so many of the things, you just have to do the thing that God wants you to do and do it well.
People’s Opinions Don’t Negate What God Has Planned For You
Most people in my personal life are supportive of this endeavor, but there have been a handful of people who have not been. Even amidst that, God has been sovereign. Their opinions haven’t affected the podcast in a negative way. In the same way, as I have shared the ministry and my work on my Facebook and Instagram, I have lost quite a big number of friends and followers. While that can hurt, the connections I have gained have been genuine and completely outweigh any former acquaintances turned strangers from high school or college who can’t tolerate someone having a different opinion than them. It’s funny, the same people saying “share your truth” are the first to say “shut up” when women who regret our abortions like you and me share our truth. Though, our redemption story is actually God’s truth, but I digress. If God has a plan for you, it doesn’t matter what the opinions are of people.
Never Doubt What God Can Do
There have been multiple times when I’m pitching other podcasts to be a guest or when I’m making future plans and dreams for the ministry, that I’ll start to think “Why would I believe this could happen?” or “This person will never let me on their show.” Yet, God has shown time and time again that with Him, anything can happen. I’ll get a “yes” from a big show that is way out of my league, or God will send someone my way to help when He could have sent them in another direction. The way He has used this show to connect so many of you to healing, whether that’s with one of my resources or with an outside resource, is just astounding. I am so incredibly thankful that He has used the show in this way and I have learned that if He has put something on my heart, I am a fool to even think about doubting him!

I hope that you enjoyed reading along with me today!
ONE LAST THING: In honor of two years of podcasting, we are holding a $100 amazon gift card giveaway! Make sure to leave reviews for the podcast and send those screenshots or pass the show along in your stories or to a friend! You can actually exercise all of your options for the most entries if you’d like. We’ll tally entries until February 28th and will announce the winner on March 1st in our Private Facebook Group (you don’t have to be a member of that group to win). Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with me – I am so thankful for each and every single one of you!
XO, Brittany
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