Are you ready to make 2025 the year you finally start to heal from your past abortion?!
Friend, I don’t want you to be sitting here a year from now in the same place or worse than where you are right now. I know that so many people start sharing about their new year and their dreams and goals for the year ahead and it seems kind of cliche, but I do think there’s something to be said about a fresh start, a new page. I believe we can turn the page any time of the year, but there’s something psychological about beginning that change at the start of a new year. 2025 is like a new chapter that we are about to embark on, it’s a new chapter that we are about to write. But what if, instead of trying to write it yourself, trying to keep control, continuing to avoid the things that God is nudging you to do, what if instead of all of that you decide to surrender and let God write that chapter? What if instead, you let God lead you to healing, restoration, and hope?
There is so much promise in that for you. There is so much promise in what God has for you. Think about what we just got done celebrating. We just got done celebrating Christmas, and the birth of our Savior. In Jesus, God fulfilled His promises. Jesus redeems. Jesus saves. Jesus wants to save you, too.

Someone recently asked me in a meeting, how long did you wait to get healing and share your story? The answer, and you may know it if you’ve been following for awhile, but the answer is over 10 years. That’s a long time. There were so many times over the more than a decade that I thought about dealing with my abortion. I really did. I knew about the Bible study I attended for years before I finally said yes to going. I don’t think I’ve ever told this story on the podcast, but there were other times I almost got up my strength to face this issue in my life head-on and would back out at the last minute.
One of them I remember so clearly, I was pregnant with my son and I was so depressed during that pregnancy – the not-doing-my-laundry-for-months-on-end kind of depressed (I wish I was kidding, but my hygiene during this time was awful because I didn’t value myself and didn’t have the energy or motivation to be clean or have clean clothes). I was having another baby I didn’t deserve and I loved him, but just couldn’t get out of that shame and guilt. I remember, I reached out for help to a local Christian counseling center and told them I needed help and told them exactly why. They were so kind and compassionate towards me about it, but here was the problem: there was a 12-week wait before I could get in. I asked to be put on a waiting list, and 12 weeks went by, and I never got a phone call. I had fallen through the cracks of a system that was bursting at the seams because we had and still have so many people struggling and not enough people to help.
The thing I will say about that is I wasn’t super proactive about contacting them and seeing how much further I was down on the waitlist. I didn’t try to seek out alternatives. That’s not an excuse for the fact that I fell through the cracks, but I also had a responsibility to listen to God’s promptings and I knew he wanted me to heal. If one avenue wasn’t working I needed to seek another one out. I would just use excuses not to do that.
Life is way too short to keep doing that. I think about all of the lost time I spent chained by shame and guilt and it makes me kind of emotional. I am so thankful for God’s protection over my kids because even though I wasn’t a danger to them, I really wasn’t a healthy and happy mom. I’m so thankful that they knew I loved them and that I got healing when I did so that we can focus on building happy memories instead of looking back and seeing how much time we can’t get back.
But friend, I know that some of you may be reading this and that is your story. Maybe it’s been 20, 30, 50 years for you, or even longer. I want you to know that God wastes nothing. He truly doesn’t waste a single thing. You may have many years of pain to look back on. Still, if there is one thing I know to be true, it’s that God can use all things for His good. He is ready and waiting for you to come to him and heal so that you can live the rest of your life knowing that you don’t have to be stuck in that place any longer, knowing that he has chosen you, that his love has never left you, that you are forgiven, and that Christ died for you too.

So, as if that isn’t reason enough, I’m going to give you 3 reasons why you should make 2025 the year that you seek healing for your past abortion or abortions. “Healed” is going to be our official word for 2025, so I hope you’re ready!
3 reasons why 2025 should be the year you heal from your past abortion(s):
- Running from healing = disobedience
God wants you to heal. In fact, if you’re here, I’m guessing you’re feeling some sort of promptings that He may be leading you to healing. If you don’t follow those promptings, that’s an act of disobedience! Step into obedience and allow Him to transform your heart. I know it’s hard, but it will be so worth it!
- Healing is a choice
If you wait for a feeling and don’t make the choice, it will never come. I understand why you may think that healing is a feeling, because it does come with feelings, but at the end of the day, it’s a choice you have to make. Once you make that choice, you can step into that feeling of freedom!
- You don’t want to spend another year chained by shame
Look back right now on how much time has passed since your abortion. For me, it’s been 14 years and it took just over 10 years for me to seek healing. I don’t want that to be you! If it already has been a long time, it’s never too late. God truly wastes nothing. No matter how much time has passed, commit to making this the year you break those chains!

Are you ready to make 2025 the year of healing? If you haven’t chosen a word for this year yet, I highly suggest the word “healed.” Step into it and give it to God. He’s ready and waiting with a warm, healing hug. You’ve got this, my friend!
XO, Brittany
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