Have you heard someone say, “God planned for me to have an abortion so I could save others?” I think this is a belief that some of us want to have, but there are some concerns associated with this type of thinking. It’s hard though, because we know that God knows everything – so if He knew we were going to do this, did that make it a part of His plan?
We’re going to look at what scripture says to help us have a full understanding of how our abortion and other circumstances in our lives affect God’s plans for us. I pray this blesses you!

A while ago, I had someone – who I don’t really know personally – mention how God sometimes chooses certain ones of us to go through specific things so that He can use our testimonies to save others. While I don’t disagree with that entirely, I do believe that this can lead to dangerous thinking, because it can lead us to affirm our sins when in reality, sin is not something that should ever be affirmed. This line of thinking can also keep us in a state of denial, which prevents us from going through the necessary grief, repentance, and healing process.
Before we continue, I don’t want you to read this and think that just because you did something, God can’t forgive it or that He can’t use it. He absolutely CAN and He wants to use it. He wants YOU. He wants fellowship and a relationship with you and He does have great plans for you despite your choices. However, when we choose to sin, we need to remember that God didn’t cause us to sin to use it for His purpose. He uses us for His purpose despite our sins.
When I was born, God did not say, “Brittany, I’m going to put you in a situation where you are going to be pregnant and unmarried, and I’m going to cause you to sin and choose abortion because I want you to then share with others about how wrong abortion is.” Many sins led up to my abortion – lying, sexual immorality, pride, the list goes on. God desired for me to do NONE of those things. He did not cause me to be sexually immoral. He did not cause me to lie. He did not cause me to walk through the doors of an abortion facility and allow a well-paid stranger to end the life of another human being who had been created by Him in His image. In fact, He actively gave me many ways out of this situation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that in every temptation God will provide a way of escape, and He did. But, I didn’t escape, so He now has chosen to use my story for the good of His kingdom, to help shed light on the true cost of abortion.

So, how do I know this? How do I firmly know that this was not His plan for me?
One scripture is all I need: James 1:13-15 “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.”
What is it that the kids are saying nowadays? “THAT PART.” Seriously, we all should be screaming “THAT PART” right about now. In all seriousness though, that’s all we need. “God cannot be tempted by evil.” God is all-powerful. Satan has no power over Him. God won’t say, “Well, I have told my creation that murder is wrong, but I am going to allow this person to do it so they can stop someone else.” He doesn’t allow one person to go ahead and sin to help prevent other people from sinning, but after the sin has been committed He absolutely can use it because we are saved by the blood of the lamb and the power of our testimony. Our testimony of being saved from sin can prevent other sins, absolutely, but He cannot and will not be tempted to cause us to sin for this purpose. “He himself does not tempt anyone.” I just finished telling you that scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that he leads us away from temptation, not to it.
To sum it up: We are called to share our testimony to help others, but we are not called to sin in order to have a testimony.
So for us as post-abortive women, we must know that God did not ordain for us to choose abortion for a specific purpose. He did not want us to choose abortion and it broke His heart when we did. He likely put obstacles in our path to get us to make a different choice. But because we didn’t, He can use it for His good. He sent us son so that we could be saved from our past sins. We are washed clean by the blood of Jesus. We can move forward knowing that God forgives our past decisions and that He has great plans for us no matter what we have done.
All of us sin and fall short of His glory, but Jesus came so that we may have eternal life with our Heavenly Father, who loves us no matter how short we fall. We just need to repent, accept His permission to grieve, and allow Him to heal our hearts.
XO, Brittany
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